Advanced Lab
Undergraduate course, UCSB Physics, 2021
Millikan Oil Drop Experiment, Cavendish Torsion Balance (Big G), Cloud Chamber, Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, H-D Isotope Shift, Interferometery, Laser Properties, Diode Laser, Spectroscopy, Mössbauer Effect, Muon, Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
A Unique Learning Experience
This was a challenge due, of course, to the pandemic. I worked from my parents house in sonoma county, remoting in via zoom to teach an advanced lab course for upper division UCSB physics students. The course nominally involves nuclear and quantum physics experiments of historic significance such as nuclear magnetic resonance, rutherford scattering, optical pumping; during remote course offerings we instead provided data from experiments for students to analyze. The course included a group project which I organized and led a team of 10 students to simulate the cosmic flux of muons and count the number of hits in a photomultiplier.