multiway circular-string rewrite systems

I attended the Wolfram Summer School 2020. This was just after graduating from Cal Poly at the beginning of the pandemic, and just before beginning my PhD in Fall 2020. Over the summer, I tried to make the best out of the lockdown. I worked on learning mathematica and pursued the physics project.

I was able to speak with Stephen Wolfram one-to-one over zoom. He told me about his days as a particle physicist, just a kid; how few safety considerations were taken at particle accelerators. Physicists that would work on the operation of the machine would experience a funny taste because they would hang around huge magnets that would stimulate their tastebuds.

I also attended lectures on intermediate to advanced usage of mathematica and the Wolfram language. Machine learning, data visualization, natural language processing, computing theory and automata, theorem proving, rewriting systems, solvers, and so much more. My work on circular string rewriting systems earned a featured contributor badge.
Wolfram Community Post
Wolfram Community Profile

And the group photo (I’m 4th row up from the bottom, 3rd picture from the right)

Alumni page